No. Library fines must be paid by cash or check. Call or visit one of the libraries for more information.
A few additional notes on fines:
- If you have more than $5 in fines, you will not be able to check out library materials (either from the APU Libraries or LINK+) until the fines are paid.
- You can view your outstanding balance by logging in to your online library account.
- Overdue books owned by APU are fined at 25¢ per day. Overdue Link+ books are fined at $1.00 per day. Overdue Media materials are fined at $1.00 per day. The maximum fine per item is $7.00 for APU owned books, and $15.00 for overdue LINK+ books. Materials will be billed for replacement and processing fees assessed if materials are excessively overdue.