Answered By: Denise R. Gehring, MSLIS, MA
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2023     Views: 112

I used Proquest Databases to search for you. First off, I came up with some keywords using your research question - this is what I came up with

(((micro OR small OR medium) enterprises) OR MSMEs)

AND (livelihood skills (train* OR educat* OR instruct* OR teach*))

AND (philippine or manila or Barangay)

AND (sustainab* or viab* or continu* or feasib*)

                  The astrickes is a truncation symbol so it searches for multiple forms of the word with different endings. 

Then I limited to the last 10 years (2006-2016) and peer-reviewed. Finally under the Classification category in the left hand menu I selected "Asia & the Pacific".

Here is the link to the search:

You might try this search in the Academic Search Premier as well.