Creating citations for multiauthored works depends on the style you are trying to follow.
APA (6.12) states that the in-text citation should be (name et al., year)
APA (6.27) states that on the reference page you list up to 7, but >8 things change. You list the first 6, and a three dot elipse, and then cite the last author.
Chicago (14.18), Turabian (17.1), and SBL all agree. In a footnote, if >4 authors, first name followed by et al. and then the rest of the publication data.
On reference page, if >4, you list them all.
MLA is kind of strange. The 8th edition came out a year ago, but it doesn't deal with multiple authors, that I found. The previous edition, in section 5.5.4, states that if >3 authors, then list first and et al. OR list them all.
In all those cases, "et al." appears as it does in those quotation marks. It is an abbreviation of the Latin et alii, meaning "and others". "Et" is a complete word, so no period follows, but "al." is the abbreviation of alii, so it has a period.
Prof. Steve Jung
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