If you're an allied health or pre-med students, or taking your bioethics senior seminar course, a great resource for current topics on health and medicine is a series of books called Critical Issues in Health and Medicine. Description: "contemporary dilemmas from a variety of perspectives, among them political, legal, historical, sociological, and comparative, and with attention to crucial dimensions such as race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and culture."
APU libraries own 105 titles in this series, running from 2006 - present, 48 (December 2021) are e-books.
To access them click on Critical Issues in Health and Medicine or go to the library's main page: scroll down a little and click under the blue box on the word catalog. Then in the box simply type critical issues in health and medicine and click your Enter key. The list will be of both print and e-books owned by the library sorted by Relevance. To sort by date, click "date" at the top.
Here's a couple of example of recent titles:
Bodies Unbound: Gender-Specific Cancer and Biolegitimacy (2021)
Pink and Blue: Gender, Culture, and the Health of Children (2021)
The Love Surgeon: A Story of Trust, Harm, and the Limits of Medical Regulation (2020)
For more ideas visit the LibGuide BIOL496 (Senior Seminar: Ethics and the Sciences)
Any questions or further ideas please contact Dave Harmeyer
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