Answered By: Denise R. Gehring, MSLIS, MA
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 94

No, an institutional license for EndNote will not be renewed by APU at this time.  

Unfortunately EndNote 20 and any new versions moving forward, are no longer available for free for APU students and Faculty. 


You could either pay for an EndNote license (currently EndNote 21) for $275, $150 for a student license) or switch over to another Citation Manager software like the free Zotero

What about expired Endnote license? To upgrade from EndNote 20 to the new EndNote 21 license, you must do so from within your expired EndNote program in order to retrieve your My EndNote Library references.

For using Zotero, we have created a brief handout on How to Use Zotero

Also, if needed, here are the steps to move records from My EndNote Library to Zotero here

Associated note: you can link to APU's library holdings in Zotero by going to Edit, Preferences, then Advanced. Under "Open URL" select North America, then Azusa Pacific University.